FACS 2024

Room 3.0.2


Room details can be found here

Talks in this room:
Monday, 09 Sep

Opening of FACS 2024

Diego Marmsoler, Meng Sun


Coq Formalization of Orientation Representation: Matrix, Euler Angles, Axis-Angle and Quaternion

Zhengpu Shi, Gang Chen


Verified fault handling for modern BMCs

Ben Fiedler, Zikai Liu, David Cock, Timothy Roscoe


Correct Pattern-based Development Through Refinements and Weakest Preconditions Calculus

Elie Fares, Jean Paul Bodeveix, Mamoun Filali-Amine


Verification and Control of Stochastic Multi-agent Systems

David Parker


Extracting formal smart-contract specifications from natural language with LLMs

Gabriel Leite, Filipe Arruda, Pedro Antonino, Augusto Sampaio, Andrew Roscoe


How do Asynchronous Communication Models impact the Composability of Information Flow Security?

Lena Gerlach, Christopher Gerking

Tuesday, 10 Sep

The experiences of developing the industrial-strength tools for modeling, testing and verification: a formal methods perspective

Geguang Pu


Testing Compositionality

Gijs van Cuyck, Jan Tretmans, Lars van Arragon


Formal modeling and verification of behavior trees using BIP framework

Qiang Wang, Simon Bliudze, Min Zhang, Huadong Dai, Yongxin Zhao


Reactive graphs in action

David Tinoco, Alexandre Madeira, Manuel A. Martins, José Proença


Best-paper award and Closing of FACS 2024

Diego Marmsoler, Meng Sun