FACS 2024


Ana Cavalcanti

Ana Cavalcanti's photo

Short bio

Ana Cavalcanti is a professor at the University of York and a Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies. She leads RoboStar, a centre of excellence in Software Engineering for Robotics. The RoboStar approach to model-based software engineering compliments the current practice of design and verification of mobile and autonomous robots, covering simulation, testing and proof. This approach is practical, supported by tools, and yet mathematically rigorous so that it can provide reliable evidence of trustworthiness. Ana held a Royal Society - Wolfson Research Merit Award from 2012 to 2017. In 2003, she was awarded a Royal Society Industry Fellowship to work with QinetiQ on formal methods. She has published more than 200 papers and chaired the Programme Committee of various well-established international conferences. She is currently Chair of the Formal Methods Europe Board. Her main research interest is the theory and practice of formal methods. She has a long-term interest in refinement, safety-critical systems, object-orientation , concurrency, and real-time applications. She has played a major role in the design and formalization of a state-rich process algebra, namely, Circus, and its development techniques using Hoare and He’s Unifying Theories of Programming.

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Talks at this conference:
 Mon, 9:00 Comparing Reactive Models and Cyclic Components of Robotic Systems: The RoboStar approach to model-based testing
