FACS 2024

Plenary Talks

Safe and Easy Compile-Time Generative Programming

Ningning Xie

on  Tue, 9:00in  Room O. De Donatofor  80min

Program generation is a powerful and expressive approach to eliminating abstraction overhead and improving program performance, which has been studied and implemented in a variety of languages with different forms. In this talk we overview MacoCaml, a new design and implementation of compile-time computation for OCaml. MacoCaml features a unifying and novel combination of phase separation and quotation-based staging. We review Maco- Caml’s recent developments, including a comprehensive formalism of a featurerich macro calculus with key meta-theoretic properties, and an extension to module functors that leads to explicit phase distinction. We describe how the meta-theoretical results offer practical benefits for programmers, and conclude the talk with a few directions for future exploration.

 Overview  Program