FACS 2022

Modelling & Verification

Interpretation and Formalization of the Right-of-Way Rules

Victor Carreno, Mariano Moscato, Paolo Masci, Aaron Dutle

on  Thu, 15:30in  Zoomfor  30min

Presenter: Aaron Dutle
Session Chair: Olga Kouchnarenko

This paper presents an interpretation and mathematical definition of the right-of-way rules as stated in USA, Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 91, Section 91.113 (14 CFR 91.113). In an encounter between two aircraft, the right-of-way rules defines which aircraft, if any, has the right-of-way and which aircraft must maneuver to stay well clear of the other aircraft. The objective of the work presented in this paper is to give an unambiguous interpretation of the rules. From the interpretation, a precise mathematical formulation is created that can be used for analysis and proof of properties. The mathematical formulation has been defined in the Prototype Verification System (PVS) and properties of well formedness and core properties of the formalization have been mechanically proved. This mathematical formulation can be implemented digitally, so that right-of-way rules can be used in simulation or in future autonomous operations.

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