FACS 2024

Verification and Testing

Verified fault handling for modern BMCs

Ben Fiedler, Zikai Liu, David Cock, Timothy Roscoe

on  Mon, 11:30in  Room 3.0.2for  30min

Presenter: TBA Session Chair: TBA

Fault handling is the timely and crash-free response to critical changes in a system’s operating characteristics, such as rapid temperature increases, or electrical shorts. In a typical computer system, it is the board management controller’s job to correctly respond to such anomalous situations. We develop an Isabelle/HOL model of a state machine for fault handling and define semantics for correctness of this procedure. Additionally, we formalize a notion of refinement that allows us to prove the correctness of implementations of this state machine. We also provide the first verified implementation of a C-based fault handler for board management controllers. Furthermore, we successfully deploy our verified fault handler on top of the seL4 microkernel and alongside a production-grade, open source software stack widely deployed today, applying the cyber-retrofit approach to securing board management controllers in practice. The implementation and proof effort required is moderate, and our efforts indicate that already a small team of a handful of people can significantly raise the level of assurance of a modern, highly privileged software system.

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