FACS 2024

Formal Models

Reactive graphs in action

David Tinoco, Alexandre Madeira, Manuel A. Martins, José Proença

on  Tue, 16:50in  Room 3.0.2for  30min

Presenter: TBA Session Chair: TBA

Reactive graphs, introduced by Dov Gabbay, are transition structures that evolve along its execution, in the sense that their accessibility relation changes when their edges are crossed. These structures are suitable to compactly represent complex reactive and reconfigurable behaviours. Variations of this reactive structure have been investigated among the logic community, and its impact in the context of concrete domain applications is still being explored. This paper presents Marge, a web-based tool to visualise and analyse reactive graphs enriched with labels. \Marge animates the operational semantics of reactive graphs and provides different graphical views to provide insights over concrete systems. We motivate the applicability of reactive graphs for adaptive systems and for featured transition systems, using \Marge to tighten the gap between the existing theoretical models and their usage to analyse concrete systems

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